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Hey there!

I am Busola Akinbote. I am a clinical pharmacist by education and training and a holistic health advocate and mentor by passion and purpose.

I am a lover of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (I need all of 3 of them), my supportive husband, our three beautiful children, quiet time, self care in all the ways, and coffee just to name a few. I went to the University of Georgia where I met my husband for a second time (we were practically matched from childhood) and earned my Doctor of Pharmacy. I work as a clinical pharmacist in long term care and share my passion for wellness and self care most days. Most nights you can find me feeding my family a new dish and intentionally engaging with my children before bedtime routines commence.


I decided to share my journey on the woman I’m becoming simply because God has been leading me to do it. I always remind myself that I am not the first, and I won’t be the last to give myself perspective in complex situations. To know that I’m not alone in any situation is extremely comforting, and it also moves me to be a source of information to ease someone else’s alienation.  On my blog, I am sharing my “clinical pearls” to help one person better navigate her journey of becoming.

Stick around as I share my testimony and tips that have helped me along the way.

Here’s to taking care of our whole selves,

