My Testimony: Being Obedient, Not Right
I am finally sharing my testimony here on my blog. As I share my testimony, I encourage you to not take this as direct advice for what you should do in your life. Also know that it is not possible for me to share every detail here. Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” I pray that you overcome whatever is keeping you from fully knowing and trusting Jesus with your whole self as you read my testimony! (The format is a letter I sent to one of my Pastors with some gifs added for the purpose of this blog to keep y’all engaged)
Last year, your message on Running in Circles: Confronting Compromise came right after I was asking God to give me the next steps for my business. I put money into many aspects of it earlier in the year, and all I could see was goodness from my divinely inspired yoga ministry – the women I impacted as I spoke life and understanding into them only by knowledge from the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, my business was causing some friction in my home re: time management, and I began to question yoga because I know its origins has nothing to do with Christianity and my possible role in cultural appropriation had me conflicted. I also was witnessing many New Age tendencies becoming synonymous with yoga. I knew I drew a line at a specific place as I enjoyed it for the stretching and breathing components and then added my faith to it, which prayerfully birthed AYoga in 2016. I know that God called me to the wellness community but wasn’t sure in what capacity. I prayed and voiced my concerns to my spiritual mentor. She knows my heart and love for God and used that lens to share that she was not concerned. She also shared through the Spirit of God weeks before your sermon that “there’s something I have to give birth to, but I have to let something else die.”
I had no idea what she was referring to, but I wrote it down. I literally began taking notes from your sermon, Confronting Compromise, on the opposite page from that declaration (I don’t take hand-written notes on a regular). Your message was very clear: Woe to him who believes evil is good and good is evil in Isaiah 5, James 4:17, and Rom 6:16, but yoga had been a part of me for so long that it became a part of my identity. I never thought this was an issue in my life until I heard God say to make room for Him. Our gracious and oh so patient Father gave me many other signs.
The phrase God gave me was, “Be obedient, not right.”
Again, OK Lord, but I didn’t know exactly what it was pertaining to. So I was obedient in all the seemingly small things – buy two extra books to support a friend and gift to close friends to help reset and draw closer to God; tell this lady I just met that God is pursuing her; give this amount of money to this person, which all blessed those people immensely by me being obedient (it also blessed me!). It wasn’t until March 7th of this year that I unequivocally knew I was to terminate my yoga business and yoga practice after a conversation with my spiritual mentor. It was a powerful interchange. Many tears of relief and an overwhelming sense of freedom as a weight was being lifted and my eyes were open to what God had me do. Hours after deleting the business portion of my website on 3/7/22, God revealed through our oldest child the solution to a problem my husband and I had already given up on. We had already resolved to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary (4/7/22) later in the year because neither of us had peace with our childcare situation. The very person our son mentioned was the one who was able to watch our 3 kids with my mom. We ended up traveling to St. Maarten during the last week of March, which made room to deeply connect with each other and God and allowed us to have a divinely timed introduction to a woman who worked at the resort! She spoke so much life over our marriage and family.
I didn’t mention that the Sunday you preached Confronting Compromise, it was our oldest who asked us to go to Midtown. We are closer to Norcross and have always worshiped there until the pandemic. We began coming to Midtown to ease our youngest into a smaller Sunday school when we went back to in-person church January 2021. We had already transitioned back to Norcross before then but our oldest (6 yo) was adamant that we go to Midtown on that day you preached 11/7/22 (and I am just now seeing all of these 7s lining up. Wow). After I terminated my business, I woke up very early one morning and was reminded of that message you preached. I looked in my journal where I wrote notes but also wanted to watch. So I went to the app. Although it was the same title, the guest pastor at Norcross preached a very different message that day. Not until that moment did I know that God had me in Midtown on 11/7/22 to hear from Him through you.
My faith has been re-ignited to that first love when I first gave my life to Christ. While I am not seeking a feeling, I know that I am more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. I am excited about fasting and praying and clearly hearing from God. Yes, I was called out and called out to shine even brighter in the wellness community not by offering the same thing with God in it but to more boldly say seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…! I was shook when I truly saw that it is that simple.
I’ve always said that AYoga was my ministry
It was never about a profit yet it was an LLC and not a not-for-profit. I am now starting a non-profit wellness organization. This revelation came through a dear friend a couple of days ago…on 5/7/22 – Ahhhh! The tears are flowing now. Let me just say as a mom of 3 who is a full-time clinical pharmacist, it is HARD to keep up with dates. This is causing me to see how intentional God is and how much He cares for me. He knows I wouldn’t miss these many 7s because of its biblical meaning and personal meaning – my husband and I began dating 4/7/05 and got married 7 years later on 4/7/12! This idea of a non-profit would have never gained traction if I still had my business. As my spiritual mentor said, “There’s something I have to give birth to, but I have to let something else die.” 🤯 I am endeavoring to host a women’s retreat that will take us back to the basics. Time away to hear from God, fellowship with other women who want to know Him more deeply, and mindfully move (I’d also love to offer some spa services too!). Sorry this is so long, and I have not even shared all of it lol but THANK YOU for delivering His Word!
Y’all listen,
When I say I could write MANY blogs on what God has been doing since. I’m at the point where I have to move with child-like faith and obedience because NONE of this is by my doing. The way He gave me our non-profit board members, the way the Women’s Retreat accommodations were acquired, and the willing and capable people who have been helping to allow planning to seamlessly flow… Whew! This would be a great time to share about the Women’s Retreat, but it’s not time now. I am learning patience because baby I had already declared a date in faith!😅 While it could happen, I won’t allow it to happen without God. If you’d like a sneak peak of what’s to come, look at my Retreats page.
This blog is coming after multiple events unfolding over several months. If you want to see a glimpse of what it looked like while I was in the middle and waiting on God to reveal the next steps, read my Global Education Foundation magazine feature here. Please take the time to read the entire magazine for unbelievable inspiration and consider supporting GEF – they are doing some incredible things locally and internationally.
July 30, 2022 @ 9:19 am
AMEN! Thank you Dr. Chi for reading. God has been showing me some things causing me to shift in my perspective and priorities. What a time it has been!!
July 30, 2022 @ 5:27 am
God is so Good! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see you shine through Him in this new season ❤️