What I’ve Learned with Obedience to God
A lot of times when you hear someone is committed to living for Christ or being obedient to who God has called them to be, you expect some level of perfection. No? Well, I am avoiding adding a disclaimer here. Just know that God is asking me to make some pretty clear moves. Every time I choose to draw closer to Him, He pulls all the way up and BLOWS. my. mind. I was doing all the decluttering and organizing, establishing better systems and routines, etc. This was necessary and very helpful for my family of five, but it was SO much deeper than that. This is essentially a follow-up to my Testimony Blog, and what I’ve learned and/or have been reminded of during this time:
The Veil was Torn
First and foremost, we have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus. We have direct access to our Creator. We don’t need ‘holier’ or ‘super Christians’ to find the answer for us. We may not feel equipped in our relationship with God, or we may desire to rally together in prayer with other sisters or brothers in Christ over a specific situation. That is likely and reasonable, but it is necessary to build your faith without becoming spiritually dependent on others. I have a spiritual mentor – highly recommend! She does not replace the effort that is required on my part. Do the work to exercise your faith. Read your Bible; pray everyday (sing it if you know it!) Some people have a specific spiritual gift, but allow what they share to be confirmation to what has already been revealed to you. When we seek, and seek Him with all our heart, we will surely find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
Fast and Pray
Prayer is good. With some things, it requires prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29). Prayer and fasting brings about such clarity and power in the spiritual realm. Some types of change require your flesh to be in complete submission to assuredly hear. I was still seeking answers from others or researching online regarding what I should do. You can find anything and everything on this Internet. Polar opposite views can be fully supported with evidence and scholarly articles. This is why we must seek truth from the Source.
Physical Manifestations
Be mindful of what is happening in the physical. God was gradually preparing me for a drastic change in my life over several months. I did not put some of the pieces together until much later, and I’m probably still overlooking several pieces. An actual example: A face serum that was previously my go-to skincare item was no longer beneficial and was effectively damaging my skin barrier and causing little bumps and texture to my skin. I had to slow down to recognize the outcome of my decision to continue using a product that I loved but was wreaking havoc on my skin. Don’t allow pride to prevent you from recognizing and reaching your next assignment.
When God asks us to close the door in one journey, it is to position us for something new. You may already know what’s to come, but it may not happen immediately. Don’t force it. Expectantly wait and continue to draw closer to God. My spiritual mentor reminded me about King David. I’d encourage you to read ALL that happened between the time David was anointed to become king until the fulfillment of that promise. I used to wonder if I was ever supposed to start yoga and my business. God knew, He knows, and He’s all knowing to the generations to come and the end of this world. That is why before any of this unfolded with terminating AYoga, He told me to “be obedient, not right.” If that doesn’t make you want to shout?!? Hallelujah!!!! What would radical obedience to what the Spirit of God has been speaking to you look like? Really take time to sit with this question and pray for the courage to take that first step in obedience.
Chinasa Elue
September 16, 2023 @ 5:15 am
Amen!! This entire post blessed my soul! Be obedient and not right! That is a gem!